The Open Pool community is centered around software engineering processes, practices, and tools

The aim is to develop these solutions in a model of shared maintenance to reduce cost of development to users, improve quality of the software, and bring them fast to users

Find solution to improve and evolve tool landscapes

In-house software development is key to many businesses, both when the software is part of a product, such as industrial equipment or medical devices, or implements a business process, such as common in financial services or retail. With that, companies operate collections of tools to support their development teams, from tracking and version control to collaboration and build systems. These tool landscapes typically comprise a variety of tools from different vendors and need to be improved and modernised over time to meet changing business requirements. Open Pool is focussed on solutions to improve and evolve tool landscapes, for instance to integrate disjunct tools, migrate data from one system to an other, or archive data from legacy systems to be able to decommission legacy systems to be able to decommission them.

structure & governance


lastest projects


Automates the migration of data between Atlassian Jira or Confluence instances. It prepares export files for import to another instance, among others by setting the key, setting the baseurl, and mapping usernames.

Archiv Service

Archives data from a development platform, such as TeamForge, into a read-only, stand-alone archive. The archive is designed to last, relying strictly on simple, static HTML content with files, served by a standard web server.


The projects are focussed around integrations to combine data in multiple tools into a solution, automations to reduce effort and run more reliably, and data archiving & migration to ensure key data is conserved for future reference, regulatory compliance, or to resume development.

Reach us

ASERVO Software GmbH

Konrad-Zuse-Platz 8

81829 MĂ¼nchen // Deutschland

Telefon: +49 89 7167182-40

Fax: +49 89 7167182-55


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2024 ASERVO Software GmbH, ASERVO Community License